Friday 31 May 2013

How poor at Blog posts am I?!

How does it work when lots of 'dolly' things happen but there's never really anything to show for it?

Well I suppose there are things to show for it, but I'm always holding out for a perfect combination of faceup, fashion and photo.
I should come to terms with the fact that it'll never happen.
I could probably photograph Magpie & Rose as they're really the only doll with a 'look' and a faceup at the mo, but of course that means stopping all my experiments, makings, preppings and youtubings for all the other dolls which is a constant 'thing' that I do. It's why I like the hobby.

The down side of course is that I plan and scheme and dream up things I'd like to do with certain characters, go about sourcing all the elements required and then moving on to the next scheme for the next doll having never fulfilled the first one.

So having had a day of experiments, filming and shopping, I'm pausing to take stock and will attempt to backtrack a little in order to catch up with this blog.

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