Monday 26 August 2013

Squeezing in a photoshoot...

Knowing that I was going on a little 2 day break with Mushroom-Makie to Glastonbury in Somerset, I thought I ought to mix things up a bit on Flickr with some photos other than Makies.
Honestly... I'm obsessed with my little digital character(s)!

So I unfurled the canvas-like backdrop that I've had for a month or so, and did a trial with Alice the Azone and, as I discovered, a matching companion for her; my Tokidoki Unicorno.

Cute couple! 
So I had a rummage in the bag of extras that I picked up from Robert and put together a little set for the Unoa. Unfortunately she can't stand unaided yet, so I had to put her in a pair of Judge's boots to strengthen her ankles. But with a default wig, Rose's old homemade socks and some Unoa bunny ears, I got her looking somewhat morning-after-ish and used a new strip light for a bit of up-lit atmosphere.

And... it came as quite a shock. My phone kept binging for half the night. 12 times in fact. Because when I got up early the next morning to go on my trip (and very bleary eyed with all the wakeups) it had transpired that my special little lady here had wound up on the Flickr Explore page and had been viewed by seven or eight hundred people. I guess it was perceived as a worthy photo. That's about 100 views an hour!
So that's a new dolly first for me. And maybe a little Karma taking a role in it.
Thank heavens I'd put her default faceup faceplate on! The rest are blank and awaiting my input :)

Oh... and Rob forwarded the missing default feet whilst I was away, so soon she'll be ready to evolve.