Friday 15 February 2013

...and then something unexpected happened...

Fidgit Homunculous Pod had a funny turn today. All thanks to a pair of shoes and the happy accident of finding an artist who can crochet like an Angel (if Angel's happen to crochet).

My fabulous fairy Fidgit went from being a He to being a She.
I haven't questioned it. It must just be something Fairies do.
So she's now called Peanut.
And she's also now added herself to the bottom of my To Do list for a makeover of some sort. Although to be fair, I think she's carrying the look well for the time being :)


And going with the theme of happy accidents, I've also happened upon some fab props lately, so here's the latest vid (@ 99 subscribers) covering some of the recent bits. Awwww....

Wednesday 13 February 2013

During the snow...

I didn't manage to get the scene I had planned, but I still managed to catch the littluns enjoying the weather on a new prop I found on evilbay...

Fae at Play
It is real snow, honest. Perhaps I should have given it a wider angle :P

And I grabbed a photo of Judge during the 'showing him some love' efforts I've been making.

Judge, WithDoll Juwel.

I'm looking ahead to the weekend now. I have some ideas about a YouTube vid to celebrate 100 subscribers (as I write it's at 98!)

Yay. Always fun things to do :)

Monday 11 February 2013

Feeling the love?

So it all comes together for Valentines it seems.
My shiny new laptop is home and fabulous!
My bank balance appears to still be in the black (although it's insurance/service/mot time of year for me, so that'll be shortlived)
Judge has finally made it to th top of my To Do list now that Birdy is fully haired and clothed (and his re-string has been posted to YouTube at last).
Potentially there may be fresh snow for some photo oportunities that I missed last time,
I sill have a couple of days to take off work next week(?)...well... during half term, whenever that is.
And it looks like I will finally get my refund from the seller whose dolls got lost in the post (that I'd paid for last June!).

So everyone's happy.

Except Mushroom my Makielab doll.

She's not feeling the love.
I keep telling her that's what happens when you peak at such a young age. You get forgotten. Even by me.
I feel terrible too, as her body is on loan to Wired Makie (who is on the verge of getting a real name!).
So I've promised her a faceup as soon as I've finished with Judge. She is next on the list and hopefully that'll keep the smile on her face.

In the meantime, if you see this and you are a Facebook user, perhaps you could visit her fan page at Makielab and show her some love. Even have a little look around whilst you're there. Exiting things are happening! Perhaps create a friend or two for her. I'll be sure she says hello!

Fan page, 'Wired Makie' - back two. 'Mushroom' - front two, without faceup :(